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Marisa x

Sydney, NSW,

Hen’s Night Parties – with Taranga from Blissrising

Blog Content

Hen’s Night Parties – with Taranga from Blissrising

Bella Tantra

Are you in charge of organising one of the most special nights in your girlfriend’s life?
Her Hen’s Night!

Been there, done that with the whole male stripper scenario, don’t want to make her traipse around town in a tiara or veil and wake up feeling flat after the initial rush of it all but after something a little more exciting that high tea or a day at a spa. Stuck for creative ideas and want something that lasts forever?

Host the Hen’s Night of her life with a Lingam Massage Ladies Night – where the Bride to Be, you and her friends will get to experience and learn the techniques needed to give a sensual and erotic massage experience that will keep her man in the palm of her hand from day one!


Lingam, in tantra terms, is the word for penis and like is says in that famous Sex in the City episode:

If you can master this your man will always be faithful because once they go tantric they don’t go back.”

In this fun night you will learn how to bring a man to his knees and give your girlfriend the gift of a stayer not a strayer, when she can treat her man to an experience that will blow his mind with the most sensually stimulating erotic massage EVER on their wedding night!

I will come to you and cater for groups of up to 30 women. So you, the Bride to Be and other guests can relax, in the comfort of your (or anyone’s) home, learning how to love a man Lingam Massage style – with techniques demonstrated on a live male model – while you enjoy champagne, laugh, share good times and create unforgettable memories.

Over three hours you will learn all the techniques you need to be able to perform a mind-blowing, erotic, sensual, tantric Lingam Massage, laugh and have the time of your lives being educated, asking questions and, if the Bride to Be so desires, have the opportunity to get hands on with the live male model for a little practice.

What happens in the time we have together?

  • You will be introduced to 6 sexy, seriously stimulating strokes as well as tantric techniques that will make a man come back time and time again. I will demonstrate these on the live model I provide.
  • You will find out the erogenous zones over his body and where he likes to be touched the most.
  • Fact sheets will be provided so you can refer to them for a refresher on what to do on that special night.
  • Amongst the laughter, jokes and learning the techniques you will also get educated in how to intensify your connection and pleasure while playing with your man.
  • And for the Bride to Be there is a special party pack that provides her with the tools she needs for that night that will blow his mind, literally!
  • But this isn’t all about him – this night is focussed on the Bride to Be and helping her get the most of out their special first night together as husband and wife.

Book now for a very special night that the bride will thank you for forever and you will all remember for the rest of your lives!


8 or Less Women, $600. Additional $50 for each woman up to 30 people.
Email or Phone for more details & a quote for your event!
0447 577 525