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Marisa x

Sydney, NSW,

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Filtering by Tag: female reproductive health

What's With Yoni Steaming?

Bella Tantra

Yoni Steaming, or Vaginal Steaming is an ancient tradition from around the world.  Women have used yoni steaming for thousands of years to treat a number of conditions of the vagina and uterus, and also just for general nourishment of the vagina and reproductive organs.  Women use yoni steams to reduce period pain, to reduce the amount of blood flow each month, to improve fertility, as a treatment for vaginismus and endometriosis, and much more.   Even women who are post menopause have reported passing blood after doing a yoni steam, which shows how it can clean the womb of old blood which hasn't been fully released during our bleeding cycle.  Interesting, don't you think? 

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